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Why we think
that wood
Is genius



WOOD enhances the quality of life for millions of people around the world and we support
GOOD forestry practice.

Wood is a 100% natural resource and as a raw material, nothing is more environmentally friendly.
From sunrise to sunset, our forests contribute to a healthy and improved climate both indoor and
outdoor. We strive to make a positive influence, with commitment and responsibility.

Trees grow by solar energy and generously repay by removing and storing carbon from the
atmosphere. As a living material wood improves air quality by moderating humidity. Wooden
materials are pleasant and warm to be surrounded by because of the obvious aesthetic advantages.
Furthermore it is proven that wood is good for your health and mental well-being.

Mother Nature holds the key to the most important raw material, and the more wood we use, the better
for animals, humans as well as the environment.

Want to know more?

11. September 2014

Wood takes the chair

1 minute and 53 seconds, Træ.dk’s cartoon tell about the world’s best raw material, even when it comes to furniture production.

1. October 2012

Why on earth a wood house?

“Why on earth a wood house?” is a Træ.dk cartoon, explaining the world’s best building material.

Within 1 minute and 55 seconds, the film tell why it is brilliant to build with wood.

27. October 2011

Wood - nature's stroke of genius

Træ.dk has produced a cartoon about the world’s most environmentally friendly raw material. Sit down, open your eyes and listen for 1 minute and 45 seconds.

Global timber