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our suppliers are global timber partners

Global Timber is firmly committed to identify the origin of our wood. We travel the world to ensure that our suppliers do not violate any of the regulations that we comply with. We respect and adapt to the countries in which we operate and strive to the highest ethical standards. Collaborating with regions of high risk we emphasize if the country/ region of our suppliers undergoes any transformations in government, laws or related, we ask our suppliers to inform us immediately. If so Global Timber will initiate an immediate risk assessment.

We are passionate about treating our suppliers equally and fairly and we consider our suppliers to be our partners. This also means that our suppliers permanently adhere to the values of Global Timber. The Global Timber criteria for CSR regarding environment, sustainability, human rights and social responsibility also applies to our suppliers. We commit to purchase all timber from legal sources and we choose forests managed in accordance with strict international environmental standards.

Global timber